Forums Western Europe Germany Bridge Addition Failure

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voice, and was last updated by Georg Herrig 5 years, 8 months ago
  • Sybren Frederico de Jesus Madureira Porfirio

    Already twice, I have tried to add the border dam bridge (an important pedestrian connection) between Passau (Germany) and Ingling (Austria). Though both times initially approved by moderation, in the end the merging process seems to fail and the bridge is eventually deleted again. This is probably due to a border node having to be added manually, as this bridge would cross a border. The same is true for the Mariensteg to the south, between Neuburg am Inn (Germany) and Wernstein am Inn (Austria).

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Sybren Frederico de Jesus Madureira Porfirio.
    Georg Herrig

    Yes, indeed this is a merging process which has to be done directly in our core map. We will forward it internally to the responsible team for processing

    Georg Herrig

    Both bridges have been implemented meanwhile, sorry for the late feedback. Regards Georg

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