Forums Eastern Europe Slovenia Bad Signpost SVG for this location

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voice, and was last updated by ava james 1 year, 4 months ago
  • Andrija Huzjak

    SR_SI_908037746.svg delivered for 2019Q2 has wrong information.

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Andrija Huzjak.
    Natalia Vignjevic

    Hello Andrija,

    can you confirm that this is the right location – Rascep Koseze?
    Looking at our database, everything seems to be correctly coded…

    Thank you,

    Andrija Huzjak


    Yes, location is correct. What are you trying to say. “Budapest, Čakovec, Lendava” can’t possibly be on tables on that intersection for continue straight. It can only be correct if it was updated in last 9 months?

    ava james

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