Forums Oceania Australia Australia not Austria

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voice, and was last updated by Shona Chisholm 6 years, 4 months ago
  • Sandy Rivett

    Hi there,
    Not sure if this is the right place to post this, if not please let me know where to send it.

    As per below screen shot the map shows I live in AUSTRIA…..Needs to be AUSTRALIA. Could some one please look into this as it is very frustrating.
    I am a member of multiple Buy and Sell sites on the Gold Coast QLD Australia and other people have the same issue.
    We have tried to change it many different ways and feel it is a mistake in your program.
    Kind Regards,
    Sandra Rivett

    Shona Chisholm

    Hi Sandra, we’ll need to investigate further to see if it’s a problem with our maps or the search function that’s operated by Facebook. What are you actually entering when it comes up as Steyregg, Austria? Usually you can click on the location and start typing to change the text to whatever location you want. Does that work?

    Shona Chisholm

    This shows the spot on another buy and sell page – and it allows for editing. Do you have the option to edit it?

    Shona Chisholm

    This shows the spot on another buy and sell page – and it allows for editing. Do you have the option to edit it?

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