Forums Western Europe Norway Add a fence to a road

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Sveinung Bertnes Råheim 7 years, 1 month ago
  • Sveinung Bertnes Råheim

    Many places in urban Norway, Roads are open for car traffic, but are fenced. This means they are not possible to drive throuhg, but it is allowed to drive to addresses on either side of the fence.
    How is it possible to add a fence in the map?
    As far as I can see, I can only change road segments. Not at a “block-point” to the road where the fence is.


    Sveinung Bertnes Råheim

    Your map data has very many errors in my area. Lots of roads unavailable for cars are categorized as driving roads. Both pedestrian/cycle roads and roads for skiing/tractors. Realy unreliable.

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