Forums Western Europe United Kingdom Missing Mini Roundabouts Reply To: Missing Mini Roundabouts

Claire Robinson – HERE UK and Ireland

Hi Steven,
It’s a good question…
Firstly, we do, and have always had field vehicles on the ground collecting our data and verifying our data constantly throughout the year. In my previous role to looking after Map Creator, I myself was a Geographic Field Analyst who traveled around in our field vehicles checking our database. You may see some of our vehicles driving around – I’ve attached a picture to show you what our new fleet vehicles look like.
At the moment, we will begin by adding them on the more major roads – A and B roads, with a view to completing coverage on all roads from our own sources – e.g. Our own data collected or received from our partnerships with local councils and authorities or indeed our partnership with such organisations as the OS which you mention – in around a years time from now.
As a result, please be aware that there may be an extended time in which your edits for these are moderated, particularly on ‘lower’ road types in Map Creator i.e. Residential roads, depending on the integration timeline and new process for this feature.
I’ve raised the voice issue again and hopefully we can resolve this as we start to add these in.
Thanks again for your edits, feedback and comments here in the discussion.