Forums Oceania Australia Inaccuracies in my Bray Park Queensland Reply To: Inaccuracies in my Bray Park Queensland

Peter Clinch

Hi Ewan,
The normal speed limit on Lavarack Road is 60km/h, and it drops to 40 during school zone times, which are 7-9am and 2-4pm. These are the standard times in Qld, but there are exceptions. The HN7 has told me to slow down either side of these hours when driving through school zones, so I’m not sure that the times are set correctly in Map Creator. Next time it happens, I’ll take note of the time.
Youngs Crossing Road was 70km/h from just north of the Samsonvale Road intersection, but was changed (last year??) to 60, from Samsonvale Road almost to Francis Road. More recently, it has become a school zone almost to Oxford Street, but it already comes up on the GPS as a school zone. I guess someone must have reported it as soon as it was declared.
In Qld, most residential streets are 50km/h, but there are exceptions at 60km/h.
Old North Road, near Lavarack Road is listed as residential, but the speed limits appear on the HN7. Old north is really a major through road anyway, and shouldn’t be listed as residential, maybe i should be classed as Local Access..
I’ll have to check to see how many updates we get per year with the Hema, because we haven’t had it very long. I’ll get back to you.
Thanks for your interest and help.