Forums Western Europe United Kingdom Missing Mini Roundabouts Reply To: Missing Mini Roundabouts

Stephen Dadda

Hi Claire,

Some of the mini roundabouts I have added appear to have been accepted by HERE moderators as the protected roads that ran through the middle of the mini roundabout have been removed. The protection road status on the road sections either side of the mini roundabout and on the sections of the mini roundabout itself have not been reinstated. I could now remove these sections of the road and roundabout. Is this HERE policy until the mini roundabout has been verified by other sources or an editing oversight by the moderator?

An example is the mini roundabout at the junction of Hill Lane and Wilton Road in Southampton which post code SO15 5JA shows. I can provide other examples if required.

Where different road types meet at the roundabout which road type should be assigned to the roundabout? If local access and residential roads meet I have made the whole roundabout local access.

Will the add roundabout utility be improved to make it easier to keep a roundabout ‘circular’ so the roundabout doesn’t fragment into so many unnecessary small segments? I accept that segments are needed between the road junctions but most roundabouts including large roundabouts added by HERE have more segments than the road junctions require. The Hill Lane / Wilton Road roundabout I referred to above above has 5 segments rather than the 3 segments required by the 3 road junctions. Future editing will be much easier if the number of segments is kept to a minimum.
