Forums Oceania Australia

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Are you a keen off-roader?
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Do you love the great outdoors?
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Look At the GPS trace
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No road here look at pictures on map
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look at pictures on map spped signs
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look at gps trace on map
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Area Name
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Try looking at the pictures up loaded to the map
John Perry
John Perry,151.9827005,3a,26.1y,324.33h,84.91t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s1l6cnCdSayglTZ2jxLZt5A!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 i could be wrong but it looks like a dead end road to me
1 5
can someone send the here map car here to look at it and get it fixed
John Perry
John Perry,151.9780067,3a,28y,165.95h,82.03t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1skZZuiWXEGxLGB4e3RV627Q!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 read this sign?
1 8
Need the here map car here to
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No, this would have to be the worst so far
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speed limit in built-up areas in Queensland is 50km/h
John Perry
John Perry There is still no 60 kmh here
1 2
CSIRO Animal Health Laboratory
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no entry
John Perry
John Perry,-Withcott-QLD-4352,-Australia:-27.56493,151.99962/Warrego-Hwy,-Withcott-QLD-4352,-Australia:-27.56474,151.99972?map=-27.56473,151.99972,19,&msg=War
1 5
look they have been down a road that has been open for two weeks
John Perry
John Perry there is the other end 70kmh. look at the gps
1 4
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