Forums Western Europe United Kingdom The road actually floods at high tide here and the pub closes if open

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voice, and was last updated by Terry Bates 4 years, 6 months ago
  • Terry Bates

    The road actually floods at high tide here and the pub closes if open….

    I've changed the road to unpaved it never was from the bridge on the east.

    Ben (HERE Moderator)

    Hi Terry,

    Currently HERE do not have attributes in our database for tidal roads or flood risks. Irregular flooding events will be displayed on the HERE Traffic layer if reported by bodies such as Enivroment Agency or Natural Resources Wales.


    Terry Bates


    Thanks. It was another arm chair mappers road put in without actually visiting. Oh it looks paved, I’ll put it in as paved… etc.

    Irritating in Wales since your Sat nav will send you up non paved farm tracks which go nowhere or if they connect the car will take you there across fields. I’m operating on the basis that when these roads get turned into unpaved Here Maps data for unpaved gets left out, but suspect that depends on how the data is used. Least if the attribute is correct it might help.

    Certainly is an issue with Here Maps, Tom Tom and Google Maps round here where you see people going off paved roads when they could just drive round on the paved road rather than taking the direct path. Any suggestions on attributes on Here Maps which are super important to get these tracks downgraded short of making it a footpath.

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