Welcome to the HERE Map Creator Discussion Forum, where you and other community members around the world can post questions and exchange tips, tricks and ideas about Map Creator.


We invite you to participate in this forum, but ask that you please abide by some general guidelines:

– Keep your comments relevant to location-based topics

– Strive to add value

– Be respectful of all community members and their posts — If you disagree with a post or an edit, politely state your fact-based reason, but be prepared to concede and move on

– For privacy reasons, we don’t recommend leaving personal information

– Please note that we cannot guarantee that all of your comments or questions will be answered

The forum will be moderated, but we would prefer that you be nice and stay focused on making a great map. Trolling, flaming or offensive behavior of any kind, including profanity and/or abusing people in any way, will not be tolerated; participation in the forum is a privilege, not a right.

We appreciate your contributions to the map and to the forum, and hope you enjoy conversing with your fellow community members!

PLEASE NOTE: The discussion forum is NOT a place to submit map feedback. Please go to Map Creator to add your edit or submit feedback. Feedbacks, such as a road or place edit, that is added in the Discussion forum will NOT be worked or resolved.

For full terms and conditions, please see: https://legal.here.com/en/terms/serviceterms/us/