Forums Western Europe United Kingdom Sea to Sea at Greencroft / Consett and Sunderland Railway Path / NCN 7

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voice, and was last updated by Gordon HERE Map Master (Ambassador) 3 years, 7 months ago
  • Bill Tindale

    I've indicated a section of path I reckon should be "Pedestrian Road" rather than "Trail" on the Sea to Sea at Greencroft / (Consett and Sunderland Railway Path / NCN 7). I note also that the wrong path was indicated as Sea to Sea C2C / Consett and Sunderland Railway Path / NCN 7 and I've corrected this. The direct route previously indicated is in fact a dirt path and tricky to cycle (the old railway line – I've thus marked this as an alternative route), with the actual path actually routed around Greencroft Industrial Estate by Sustrains.

    Virtual Hunterston

    Bill, there is very specific rules in how road/trails are listed
    if you email me on
    I will provide you with further details that will explain things

    Brian Abbott

    Gordon, would it not be beneficial for those rules to be publicly available ?


    Gordon HERE Map Master (Ambassador)

    Brian if you email me on the address above I can explain in detail.

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