Forums General Reporting Discussion Topics and Replies

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voice, and was last updated by Antanas Lasys 5 years, 10 months ago
  • John Manning

    When trying to report a discussion topic or reply that is clearly advertising, spam, etc. I get the message “ERROR: There was a problem reporting the topic. ”

    Can this be checked please?

    Antanas Lasys

    I have had exactly the same experience recently.

    Bernice Stalley

    Hi John,
    I saw your report come through and thanks for sending, not sure why you received the error message. Sometimes it is unclear of the businesses owners intent for posting on the discussion board, are they trying to add their business to the HERE map or are they just spamming/advertising. We endeavour to contact the poster and rectify the issue. You are correct, the discussion board should not be used for advertisiing or spam.

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