Forums Western Europe France Ушинского 5, корп. 1

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voice, and was last updated by Николай Андрущенко 6 years, 11 months ago
  • Николай Андрущенко

    1. Церковь вмч. Димитрия Солунского закрыта несколько лет назад после строительства Сретенского храма на углу Гражданского пр. и пр. Луначарского.
    2. Банкомат "Балтийского банка" убран (видимо, в связи с переходом "Балтийского банка" в "Альфабанк").
    3. Правильно ли, что иконка, относящаяся к этому дому, помещена не на доме, а на тротуаре?


    Good afternoon! This discussion board or forum is in French so others members might not understand you or won’t be able to help. If you like to report an error on the map to our team you can click on the feedback feature at the bottom right of Map Creator (see the screen capture attached). Have a nice day!

    Николай Андрущенко

    This discussion relates to St. Petersburg (Russia), but for some reason it was mistakenly attached to France …


    Mmmh that’s strange. Are you editing on Map creator from France?

    Николай Андрущенко

    I corrected the map of St. Petersburg, but when I wrote the text of the message and began to send it, the image of the map suddenly moved to France. Some kind of failure.


    Good to know! I will report this issue to our team. Thanks a lot for your patience and your contributions! Have a great weekend!

    Николай Андрущенко

    Thank you!

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