Forums Eastern Europe Bulgaria Северна скоростна тангента

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voice, and was last updated by Aleksandar Todorov 6 years, 5 months ago
  • Alexander B.

    Dear Map Creator team,
    I think that Северна скоростна тангента could be marked as a "Highway", not only as "Main".
    Thank you and best regards!

    Alexander B.

    I see now that the road has blue traffic signs (= no green Highway traffic signs) – so maybe it should remain marked as a “Main” road as it currently is … 😉

    Aleksandar Todorov

    Dear Mr. Busneag,

    Thanks for pointing out! You are absolutely right, it is not correct presented in Map Creator program and we are aware of that. You can see many similar “mistakes” on another roads elsewhere too. The reason is a program limitation related to the sync of data from Map Creator to another internal HERE program, where all data from Map Creator is further processed. However, in the end user products – and mobile app HERE We Go those roads are correctly represented.

    Greetings from the HERE MC team!

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