Forums Oceania Australia look at pictures on map Reply To: look at pictures on map

John Perry

No they put it back and made it 60 again…

Residential, Werth St, Helidon, Australia
Oct 2, 2017 09:48
* Click here to check the latest status

Under Review

Link-Id: 1198003707
See on map
updated by yourself on Oct 2, 2017 at 09:48

Road geometry changed

updated by yourself on Aug 26, 2017 at 12:23

Speed category: < 50 km/h / 30 MPH
Speed Limit (left side): 50 km/h / 31 MPH
Speed Limit (right side): 50 km/h / 31 MPH

Created (Split) by katherine kingsley on Jul 3, 2017 at 15:00
Origin (base) entry