Forums Eastern Europe Croatia Roundabout

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voice, and was last updated by miklas mâry 2 weeks ago
  • Slavko Vukmanov

    There's a newly built roundabout on this section. I sent you the photo…

    Iris Herman

    Pozdrav Slavko,
    hvala ti na javljanju i isprike zbog kasnog odgovora. Koliko vidimo, kružni tok je u međuvremenu dodan.
    Lijep pozdrav,

    Mindi Gerard

    From here to tunel “Mala Kapela” you have wrong speed limit on the lane to Slope Game!!!

    miklas mâry

    This is incredible! We can greatly profit from your fantastic and informative post! We truly appreciate you taking the time to share with us. Have a nice time with poppy playtime free.

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

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