Forums Oceania Australia Turn

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voice, and was last updated by John Manning 4 years, 3 months ago
  • Manu Sharma

    This turn is still called as old northern road.

    Shona Chisholm

    Hello Manu, Could you please provide further information – should the name change to something else?

    Kevin Hutchison

    It all looks very clear in Maprcreator, might I suggest you log into Mapcreator and make the change you think appropriate as I am sure it would be easier than describing it.

    If you find it difficult to reflect what you believe is right come back here and we will see if we can help.

    With all due respect to quote the top of the reply form “The discussion forum is NOT a place to submit map feedback. Please go to Map Creator to add your edit or submit feedback.”

    John Manning

    I am familiar with the intersection and the representation in Mapcreator appears to be appropriate

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