Forums Eastern Europe Croatia Wrong Speed limit

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voice, and was last updated by lucky suka 1 month, 4 weeks ago
  • Manuel G

    From here to tunel "Mala Kapela" you have wrong speed limit on the lane to Split!!!
    It is generally 130, 100 in the tunnels – but in the Map and on the navigation system it shows most of the time 100 outside of the tunnels!

    Natalia Vignjevic

    Hi Manuel,
    we have checked the speed limits signs. Just after the Čvor Bosiljevo, the speed limit is 100 (as you can see on the pictures). From Čvor Bosiljvo all the way till tunnel Mala Kapela the speed limit is 100 max. Since there is no sign for speed limit 130, unfortunately, we can code the speed limit only on 100. I have been driving that route and really, there is no sign for speed limit 130…
    I have attached the photo with instructions on how you can turn on Mapillary and see the video capturing.

    If you have any additional questions, just ask 🙂
    btw we can talk on Croatian 🙂


    lucky suka

    I learnt a lot from your site, and you should learn more about older video games to have more engaging experiences. I look forward to playing with you in the past! trap the cat

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