This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voice, and was last updated by ava james 1 year, 2 months ago
  • Mladen Savić

    Dear Hema Aware, Aanchal Lulla, Aanchal Lulla and Swapnil Gawande!

    I'm direct to you, you are the ones who do not really allow the condition on the field to be corrected.

    Let me introduce you to a new feature that has recently appeared, I believe you did not have time to learn how to use it.
    The feature is called Mappilary.
    The feature is very useful because using the Mappilary you can see a realistic field view.
    For example, just on this point where I start the discussion mappilary input that I made is present.
    Here is one interesting institution, located behind a locked fence, and access is only allowed to authorized persons. The institution is called the Psychiatric Clinic.
    When you go the next time to undo the change I made, please check the mappilary record, maybe he is hiding something interesting?

    Or do you think it should break the fence, and really make a residental road through the Psychiatric Clinic?

    Mladen Savić
    Natalia Vignjevic

    Pozdrav Mladen,

    evo mene opet 🙂
    Kolege koji rade u našem glavnom programu koji je odgovoran za geometriju nemaju uvid u Mapillary pa pretpostavljam da je zato došlo do pogreške.
    Promjena je napravljena, ukoliko se nekim slučajem moja promjena izbriše reagirat ćemo ponovo…

    Hvala što nas obavještavate o ovakvim i sličnim situacijama!

    Puno pozdrava,

    ava james

    Nice post thanks for sharing this information check this about budgeting ideas

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